Group fothe Top Five Wednesday-ers! As of February 21, 2014, any booktuber can participate in T5W. You’ll find the topics for that month listed in the Topics section. Be sure to post you channel/blog site to the Complete List post so we know who is participating. Follow along on Twitter: #T5WFamily View complete list of Wednesday-ers.

Welcome back to another Top 5 Wednesday. The topic for this week is: Favorite SFF Cover Art

1) The Delirium Series

These covers I just can’t even. I LOVE them. I have taken so many pictures of them, I think I have a problem.

2) Children  of Eden

I LOVE the idea as well as the color scheme of this cover. The cover is actually the reason that I ended up buying. I kept seeing at the bookstore and eventually it drew me in.

3) The Flawed Series (Flawed and Perfect)

I just love the simplicity of these covers. The hardcovers come with these like heathered, clear book jackets that bring these books to life.

4) Champion by Marie Lu.

Now I DO like all the covers of this series, but I am calling this one out specifically as it was my phone background for well over a year.

5) Replica by Lauren Oliver

This cover was too perfect for the double stories inside of it. The colors, the icons. Its just toooooo perfect.

Yes, I know this is top 5… but I thought I would also add some runners up. Because you know, It;s my blog and ill do what I want!

matched by ally condie Queen by Amie Carter