“I am a Shotet. I am sharp as broken glass, and just as fragile. I tell lies better than I tell truths. I see all of the galaxy and never catch a glimpse of it.”

“You want to see people as extremes. Bad or good, trustworthy or not. I understand. It’s easier that way. But that isn’t how people work.”

“This body had carried me through a hard life. It looked exactly the way it was supposed to.”

“Soft hearts make the universe worth living in.”

“Though I had already read all those books, I wanted to open them again just to search out the parts he most treasured; I wanted to read them as if immersed in his mind.”

“So, throw honor out the window.” “Honor,” I said with a snort. “Honor has no place in survival.”

“I didn’t choose the blood that runs in my veins, any more than you chose your fate. You and I, we’ve become what we were made to become.”

“You want to see people as extremes. […] But that isn’t how people work.”

“Though I had already read all those books, I wanted to open them again just to search out the parts he most treasured; I wanted to read them as if immersed in his mind.”
