What’s That Hashtag: #TBR
We are continuing our series on bookish hashtags. We hope you are enjoying this because not everyone knows what all these hashtags mean. This installment will be about the hashtag #TBR.
#TBR: This is an acronym for “to be read.” This hashtag is frequently used in the Booktube community of Youtube, and is now used widely on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media outlets. You use this tag when you want to share with people what you plan to read that week, weekend, month, or any other given amount of time. A lot of people wind up breaking their TBR (including me) because you never know if you will be in the mood to read something else. It is a nice tool to use for short term reading goals, though! When you search the #TBR hashtag, it is fun to see what other people are wanting to read, and then that just adds to my perpetual list of books I want to read. #booknerdproblems
Here are some of my older TBR piles:

This is my current weekend TBR pile.

This was my TBR for a readathon earlier this summer.

This was my TBR pile back in June of 2014.
Don’t forget we also have a giveaway going on! Enter right here for a chance to win a $25 gift card to Bookoutlet! This site has AMAZING deals on books. I’ve used it frequently, and I blame it for the mountain of unread books I currently have.
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